Monthly Archives: September 2013

Philosophy and Education


How is philosophy evident in your life? Share experiences that show the impact of your philosophy on your life.

A man’s philosophy is not easily recognizable without a careful examination of his actions. Most of the time, if not often, our actions are not guided by a set of fundamental philosophies. We deal with situations based on our traditional prejudices and culture.

I too was once adrift on my own understanding, acceptance and view of the world. Then I came to know God. God’s introduction into my life opened the gates to more philosophical inquisition. Thus began the journey to learn, comprehend and apply God’s philosophies.

To share one, the philosophy of giving your best to God has greatly influenced my life. To do everything with excellence for God is liberating. It allows you to have a single standard regardless of the purpose and intended recipient of your actions. It removes your biases and prejudices that affects your quality of work. It eliminates disappointments from failed actions knowing that before anyone or anything, you gave your best to God.

Why should educational philosophy be important to you? How can understanding educational philosophies benefit you, as a future educator?

Having an educational philosophy is imperative in every educator. Not having one is tantamount to driving blind not knowing where the vehicle will end up. Educational philosophy will help you evaluate where you stand and the ground that you are standing on. It will help you identify your desired destination and plot the fastest and best route towards that goal.

Earlier today, I went to my son’s school and got his report card. I was disappointed with the numbers on the card. My expectation was higher than the actual. After thinking about it for a while I ended up inquiring, was I disappointed because my son did not reach an arbitrary number defined by his teacher to be the measure of excellence or was I disappointed because the knowledge he acquired failed to enlighten him at a personal level. As of this writing, I haven’t concluded on the answer yet but I sure am interested in finding out the educational philosophy behind his teacher’s practice.

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Educational Philosophy test


Here are the results of my Educational Philosophy test arranged according to scores.

  1. Essentialism                       – 24
  2. Reconstructionism           – 24
  3. Perennialism                      – 22
  4. Progressivism                    – 21
  5. Existentialism                    – 21

I have never given much thought about my educational philosophy before this test.  I was not aware that such distinction existed until I read about it here.  Before the test, I believed that education has to have a standard measure for all on what is acceptable at every level.  I also believed that a student has his or her own unique ability and that learning methods should be defined primarily on that basis.  I valued both factual knowledge and meaningful ideas rather than learning by experience.  However, I strongly agree that experience validates knowledge and makes it permanent.  Similarly, there was never a doubt in me that education has the biggest means to influence and direct a nation towards what is just, good and humane.

I agree with the results of my test.  It shows that I value all of these philosophies and that there is a minimal distinction between them.  This is evident because all but three questions got answers greater than 3.  The result somehow validates my idea that each philosophy is essential in shaping every student.

The biggest influence in my answers are my Christian belief as well as my upbringing.  I grew up in a family of Christians who values the truth about giving your best to the Lord.  That your best should manifest not just in your behavior but also on how you perform in school as evidenced by the awards you are given.  I was brought up by my grandmother who was a teacher.  She valued education next to her Christian belief.  This may have influenced me towards the philosophy of essentialism.

My education in UP influenced me towards reconstructionism.  I was continually reminded of the great responsibility to contribute to society and give back to the country that gave me the privilege to be educated in UP.

Now, I work as an instructor.  I was trained to provide individualized instruction based on every students unique ability.  I learned of the great potential each individual has and that this can be maximized beyond what we ordinarily perceive.

I will not conclude that this will be the philosophy and values I will stand for.  Neither can I say that the same results will be seen after I finish this course.  I was exposed to an engineering background and every day I read about education I am amazed at how eye-opening and liberating every experience is.


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Pledge of Commitment



I, Eman S. Lim, am committed to completing this course with my utmost potential. 

I commit to learning with an open mind devoid of biases. 

I commit to honesty and integrity in all my works and deliverables. 

I commit to diligence and perseverance in everything I do.

I commit to continuously evaluate myself and be critical of my own philosophy. 

I commit to contribute as much as I can with all humility and respect towards my peers. 

I commit to change towards what is good and beneficial not only to me but also to those around me.



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